Hey all, we’re ba-ack! Gotz me a shiny new axe to grind and everything. Promise I won’t hold it against you… now, if you ask me for nice and gentle, well… think you might just be on the wrong site for that stuff.
What kinda Wolfe do you all take me for? Hmm, on second thought, don’t answer.
Besides, a walk on the wild side’s what we’re all here for; right? Un-dead, and undressed… I mean, who’s gonna toss a salad to a Wolfe, am I right?
You all probably think I’m several shades of wrong regardless and don’t I know it (Hoping a certain video game series don’t sue the pants of me for that one liner. If they can find em, they’re welcome to em) Now… on with the show folks.
Number 5 in our top is occupied by Luke’s Way
Personally, I like this game a lot. Yeah I know there are some that don’t do visual novels. I get everyone has their tastes. It follows a path that’s pretty hard to mess up.
There are a few oddball times where the behavior doesn’t necessarily match the choices made; and I think a few of the newer updates have probably crossed a few lines in that regard as far as wires.
It’s not bad, but I do worry that it’s starting to overly complicate issues.
There’s the fact that one Christmas update had the MC talk about impregnating Melissa and Rachel (The mom character who’s just a friend without the patch) So far, Melissa’s been sidelined, hard. It also seems to be complicating the issue of whether you can bork yourself with some choices.
As far as I’ve read, but it’s pretty good at being decently straightforward if you keep going long enough.
They do need to stop with the pregnancy blue balls and just get into the marriage: It’s going to be open anyway, according to Michelle, so get it done, make her happy and let it just be overall a happy game.
Luke’s Way is ready for free download.
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Number 4 is taken by WVM
Overall I am insanely pleased with the progress of this game. I could stand with clarification about Harper as a GF, and Skye as well, and I don’t like they seem to have abandoned the pregnancy thing for the time being (I happen to enjoy conception as a thing, I still won’t call it a kink) They did finally get Jasmine as your Gf, and they did something I didn’t expect with Stacy.
So far, I’m hopeful that everything will be clear enough, and they’re not going to renege on the whole mansion full of… let’s call it “blood family.” Some topics are a bit touchy, so I have to watch for the censors. I’m not a priest you know. If that’s what some people want. Frankly, I always figured it was an odd way to slowly build up to those females being included in the harem, in the very off-hand/long run sense.
Even if not, it’s still giving people that want family, a family. Any way you look at it. Cannot recommend this one enough for those that like less consequence, and simple fun, with quality animation. – Can’t do much for you if you don’t like reading though.
Download the latest version of WVM for free and start the adventure.
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Number 3 is Long Road Home
This one actually surprised the hell out of me. Which considering my furry arse is from the “deep south” should tell you something.
It’s a hard bit of going at first, but with the walkthrough mod installed, the story’s more engaging than some might think.
It’s not going to be to everyone’s taste, but it’s a good one to take a shot on, if you like Harems or want more of a Bonnie and Clyde/Sons of Anarchy with Porn take.
The animations are very well made, but there’s room to grow down a couple paths for the story so far. I’m not sure where they want to go with it, but I’m curious to find out. (Just don’t call me a cat – I’m not cool enough)
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Number 2 – My New Family
Again, gotta say I’m pretty impressed with the way this one’s going. You guys finally got to softening Fiona.
Really, REALLY wish all the devs would stop trying to make me pork or find attractive someone that is literally a grandmother though.
That’s not nearly a common kink. Not every one of them needs inclusion. Fortunately it’s a choice; unfortunately in my case I am a softy and even though she peeved me off at introduction, she had justifiable enough reasons to some extent.
I still think the way they wrote things was a bit bullshit. She’s a retcon, and that’s always harder to make pan out.
I write for a living, I do know what I’m talking about. Other than that, I’d say stop adding more characters. You haven’t even properly fleshed the storylines for half the ones you’ve created.
The harem is large enough that with young people(and potentally porking your girls when they grow up having been discussed lightly as a foregone conclusion) MC is gonna be one of those dehydrated little military/space ration packages soon enough. I do like the pregnancy but so far there’s no real evidence of it happening. I get it, the models are probably a pain to muck with. Glad it’s your job. Not mine.
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Number 1 is Sorcerer
With one caveat a la mentioned above, this game actually surprised me pleasantly. Yes it has a ‘diverse’ cast that I would argue on certain points as a leg disabled person myself might verge on insulting: if it was handled less well, it also doesn’t do as much with the “monster path” split as you’d think.
The fuck a granny issue is present, but can be ignored. Except I think it’s tied to a better overall result. Here’s my problem: MAGIC. You have several ways you could grant her back years. Cast a glamor to make her look the way she was, or actually de-age her. Jesus. I do like the whole layout of the story, but for anyone with half a brain, it’s a bit slow.
Here’s a point, instead of making him say “I don’t know” when questioned about whose life, have him be the super smart/street smart guy he’s mostly written as and point out, there’s more than one way to give her a life. Like the one he pretty much two seconds before that might have put into the demon’s belly for nine months. C’mon… it’s not that hard to figure out. Also, and this is a bit of a growing nitpick but LET THE PLAYER choose if they WANT to be called Master.
Don’t just have the main character say don’t call me that. It’s actively ignoring there’s a large amount of people sexually that do enjoy that title.
I happen to be one of them, and if he’s got enough courage/power or raw luck to be the “hero” then he gets to (by player choice involved) be called Master because the main girl will let him. Other than that, exceptional story so far. More monsters on the monster side/less monsters on the human side.
A clearer path to the story’s end game all around and you have definitely got something. I would suggest a little more clarity in the choices going forward. Maybe not as many fail states, but that applies to every game in the genre.
You can download Sorcerer for free and start the fun now!
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This is my list for the month, there are plenty I still love and could recommend.
I will point out as a dead horse, and a tired beating drum, not every game needs to be Dark Souls. I don’t play these games to “fail.” I personally don’t like rubix cubes.
With all the walkthrough mods that’ve come out, I’m just going to say it. I’m undead, it’s too late to damn me for it anyway.
Make the choices IN GAME clear. Write it into the coding, it would probably take an extra two seconds more work if you’d done it from the start.
Especially since you’ve all seemingly gone at this to be complicated. No one playing these games should need to be a rocket scientist to figure out the best way forward. That’s all folks. Remember, it’s all fun in games, until some wicked prick misses and pokes your eye out. Have fun, my friends. It’s good to be back, and when I’m bad, I’m even better.
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Also, what is your favorite August game of the month?