Walkthrough Version 0.71
– If you want to use an item you have to first select it in the inventory and then use it on the desired object.
– The map is usually active when you are outside or when you’re at the beginning of each location.
– If you’re stuck during the story, try to talk with the desired person a few times at different times of the day.
– The time skip button only works while you’re on the map screen.
– Not enough money? Try the minigames on the PC
– To spy on someone in the bathroom you need to buy “Spy Camera” in the shop. Then use it on the bathroom door.
Relation Level – 1
– Visit her in the morning in the living room (3 Times)
– Clean the dishes in the kitchen in the morning
– Use “Spy Camera” to check her in the bathroom in the evening. (3 times, optional)
– The Spy Camera is available in the shop.
– Ask her husband 3 times for money.
– Get the money from Bob three times, so you can get to Linda’s office.
– Talk to her in the morning/afternoon in her bedroom.
– Spy on her at night. (2 times)
– Visit her in the morning in the living room
– Visit her in the morning in the kitchen (Liza story unlocked!)
– Check the book on the shelf in her bedroom in the evening. (Optional, afterwards – Spy on her at night x2 times)
– Speak with in her in her bedroom. (Required – Ask her husband 3 times for money. )
– Wait one day
– Visit her in her workplace. (+Money afternoon)
– Talk to her in her bedroom in the morning. (New message at night from Linda )
– Wait one day.
– Do the cleaning job in the afternoon. (New message in the evening from linda )
– Visit her in your bedroom. (Night, relation +1, new message in the morning from Linda, night scenes unlocked )
Relation Level – 2
– Visit her in the morning (Green option : talk with her 3 times, ask about kiss, her bedroom, bye option yes she will visit you in the night night scenes.)
– Do the cleaning job in the afternoon.
– Visit her in the kitchen (Evening)
– Wait one day
– Visit her in her bedroom (Evening, new Judy dialogue option unlocked!)
– Do the cleaning job in the afternoon.
– Go into the garage and click the car. (Restaurant event, new message from Linda at night.)
– Spy on her at night.
– Talk to her in the morning (Green option: talk about Bob).
– Spy on her at night again.
– Talk to her in the morning (Green option: talk about Bob again, Bob’s workplace unlocked/Zuri’s story).
– Talk twice with Zuri at Bob’s workplace. The second time on the next day and ask about the weekend.
– Talk with Linda in the morning about the weekend.
– Go buy red wine in the shop.
– Wait for Friday and select “Weekend Event”(Relation +1, night visit event in Linda’s bedroom unlocked).
Relation Level – 3
-in the morning visit Linda and Bob in their bedroom
– next day, morning – talk with Linda in her bedroom 2 or 3 times on different days (green dialogue option, Bob is optional)
– Optional – Evening – Linda and Sara in the kitchen.
– afternoon – talk with Linda at her workplace (minigame)
– next day, afternoon/morning: talk with Judy about an exemption from the college in her office.
– next day, afternoon/morning: talk with headmaster in his office (Two times if you haven’t spoken with him before.)
– afternoon – talk with bob in his bedroom (green dialogue option)
– Go to sleep – beach event
– spy on them at the night
– speak with Linda in the morning about the beach.
– speak with Linda in the afternoon in your bedroom.
– go to sleep x2 times
Relation 1:
– Talk with her in the morning (Her bedroom)
– Talk with her in the afternoon (University entrance, optional)
– Visit her in the night (Her bedroom, night visits unlocked at next night)
– Talk with her in the morning again (Her bedroom, green option: Up to anything exciting today)
– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University entrance, optional)
– Click her drawer (her bedroom, new message from Sara – night)
– Play games with her in the evening. (New message from Sara the next day in the evening)
– Spy on her in the morning (Go to the kitchen. Open your inventory > Select “Spycam” > Bathroom’s door). (optional)
– Talk with her in the evening again. (Her bedroom)
– Buy cheap controller and switch it in her bedroom. (When she isn’t in the room, have it activated in your inventory and click on the other controller.)
– Play with her again in the evening. (Her bedroom)
– Click on her and Lily in the afternoon (University entrance)
– Sleep until next day (Sara will visit you)
– Talk with her and Lily in the afternoon again (University entrance, relation +1, new message from Sara at night, new night scenes unlocked)
Relation 2:
– Sleep until next day (Sara will visit you again, weekend event with sara unlocked)
– Talk with her in the morning (her bedroom)
– Talk with her in the afternoon (University Entrance, optional)
– Talk with her in the morning again (her bedroom, )
– Talk with her in the afternoon (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom, select all subject)
– Talk with her in the night (your bedroom)
– Visit Sex Shop (talk with saleswoman, Buy a “Vibrator” – 80$).
– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom)
– Talk with her in the night again (your bedroom, new message from Sara – morning)
– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom)
– Talk with her in the evening (your bedroom, Use Computer > Live Camera > Accept > Click on Sara – required webcam software installed, new message from Sara – night )
– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom)
– Talk with her in the night(Entrance – Between Home and Garage)
– Visit Sex Shop (evening, Buy “Lube” – 50$)
– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom)
– Talk with her in the night again (your bedroom, new message from Sara in the morning, relation +1)
– Wait for an SMS from Sara (a few days)
– Evening -> Sara’s Bedroom
– MC’s room -> Weekend event menu
– Bathroom
– Shopping centre – > Sara
– Shopping centre -> Stairs -> Ice Cream Van
– Ice cream shop -> Salesman
– Ice cream shop -> Table
– Sara’s Bedroom -> Sara
– Sara’s Bedroom -> Bed and Couch
– Bathroom
– Sara’s Bedroom
– Morning -> Sara’s Bedroom
Relation 1:
– Talk with her in the morning (her bedroom)
– Talk with her in the evening (living room, optional)
– Sleep until the next day
– Talk with her in the morning again (her bedroom)
– Sleep until next day
– Talk with her in the morning again (her bedroom, clothes shop unlocked – open only in the afternoon)
– Talk with her in the afternoon(clothes shop)
– To unlock night scenes visit the Clothes Shop, Click the white door next to counter, then click the window & open it. “YES”, on same night go to her shop you will find the key to Caroline’s bedroom. At night go to her bedroom and use the key with her bedroom door (the key has to be selected).
– Visit Shop (evening, Buy “Camera” – 80$)
– Talk with her in the afternoon again (clothes shop)
– Play cosplay minigame x2 on separate days (clothes shop, no matter which one – 5th outfit will be unlocked after that )
– Talk with her in the morning again (her bedroom, optional)
– After complete 5th outfit scene talk with her in the evening (your bedroom)
– Wait one day
– In the evening Caroline and Violet will visit you (your bedroom)
– Play the cosplay minigame once (Clothes shop, no matter which one outfit – 6th outfit will be unlocked after that )
– After complete 6th outfit scene talk with her in the evening (her bedroom)
– Go to your bedroom sleep until next day – Caroline will visit you (Relation +1, new night scenes unlocked)
Relation 2:
– Talk with her in the morning (her bedroom, optional)
– Talk with her in the evening (living room, optional)
– Play cosplay minigame 2 times on separate days (clothes shop, no matter which one – 3rd outfit will be unlocked after that )
– Complete 3rd outfit scene (clothes shop, 4th outfit will be unlocked after that)
– Play cosplay minigame -4th outfit (clothes shop, new message in the evening)
– Visit the clothes shop in the afternoon (Talk to her, help clean the shop, then clean the inside office too, then talk with Caroline again.)
– At night you will get a message on phone go see her in her bedroom (optional)
– Talk to her in the morning (her bedroom)
– In the afternoon visit the clothes shop (as you enter there click on the glass bottle lying near the left shelves on the floor click on it.)
– Click the white door and talk with her (clothes shop, optional)
– In the evening talk with Caroline (living room, green option: Do you know where I can find Violet, dark alley unlocked)
– In the morning talk with her (your bedroom, to progress story you need 200$)
– In the afternoon go to dark alley and meet with Violet
– In the another morning talk with her (your bedroom, to progress story you need 150$, night new message from Caroline)
– In the night meet with her (entrance your home, relation +1)
Relation 3:
– In the morning talk with her (your bedroom)
– Next morning talk with her (outside your home,)
– Sleep until next day
– In the morning talk with her (her bedroom, green option: Have you thought any more about…)
– In the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with caroline
– Then meet with Violet in the afternoon (dark alley, green option: Caroline wants to know if… new outfits unlocked)
– Meet with Caroline in the evening (kitchen, new message from Caroline – night, optional)
– At night visit Caroline (her bedroom, optional)
– In the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with Caroline and Violet (cosplay minigame 1st outfit)
– In the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with Caroline and Violet again (cosplay minigame 2nd outfit)
– In the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with Caroline
– Wait 3 days
– After 3 days in the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with Caroline (weekend event unlocked)
-Friday: meet with Caroline (weekend event – 200$ required, new night scenes)
– In the evening talk with Caroline (her bedroom, optional)
– At night visit her bedroom
– In the morning/afternoon visit her bedroom (click on her bed, new 3rd outfit unlocked)
– In the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with Caroline and Violet again (cosplay minigame 3rd outfit)
– At night visit her bedroom again (new 4th outfit unlocked)
– In the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with Caroline and Violet again (cosplay minigame 4th outfit, new night scene unlocked)
– In the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with Caroline
– Sleep until the next day, Caroline will visit you. (Relation +1, new message from Caroline – night)
Relation 4:
– Morning > Caroline’s Bedroom
– Afternoon > Clothes shop
– Night > MC’s Bedroom > Bed > “Meet with Caroline.”
– Afternoon > Clothes shop
– Evening > Caroline’s Bedroom (green dialogue option)
– Night > Caroline’s Bedroom (2x, optional – Doggy, Cowgirl)
– Afternoon > Clothes shop > mingame (3x)
– Steal Necklace
– Afternoon > Clothes shop
– Night > Charles Home > Window (crowbar – Home>Garage)
– Night > Nightclub>Corridor> Security
– Nightclub > Cindy talk
– Morning > Map > Nightclub > Menu: Warehouse
– Steal “Pink box”
– Night > Nightclub > Cindy
– Nightclub > Security
– Next day Night > Nightclub > BossOffice
– Nightclub >Sexroom > Cindy (optional)
– Morning/Afternoon > Charles Home (His last scene, optional)
– Afternoon > Clothes Shop
– Weekend Event (Last scene)
Relation 1:
– Go talk to her. (Morning, Sara’s classroom, 3 different scenes on separate days, optional)
– Take her key in the Sara’s classroom while she’s not around.(afternoon)
– In Teacher’s Break Room, Celia’s locker, take her note with the password. ( Password = Ossa36, to open the doors select Celia’s Key from inventory, then click on the Teacher’s Break Room doors )
– Go to her office and click on her computer, it will tell you that you need password. (University Corridor – Corridor – Teacher’s Office)
– Use the password on her computer.
– Talk with Therapist Judy (morning/afternoon)
– Take Empty Envelope (Therapist’s Room – cupboard)
– Use Empty Envelope on the pens in your locker (University Entrance, select Envelope from Inventory – open your locker – click on the pens)
– Put Envelope in Celia’s locker (University Corridor – Teacher’s Break Room, select Envelope from Inventory – open locker – put it )
– Buy webcam software from the shop (Morning/Afternoon)
– Install software (Home – your bedroom – PC – Click CD Icon – Click Webcam Software Icon)
– Talk with her in the evening, keep doing it on separate day to unlock all event go through every options (click on the webcam software – Accept Celia invite – Chat with her, after that you put things in her locker)
– Go to sex shop buy remote vibrator in the evening.(dildo and sexy costume are optional – they’re unlocked optional events with Celia )
– In the afternoon/morning keep remote vibrator inside celia locker. (University Corridor – Teacher’s Break Room, also you can put: dildo and sexy costume)
– in the Evening after you unlocked option “get nude” click it, then option: “Vibrator Event”
– after option: “Vibrator Event” go to your classroom next morning and click on Celia.
– in the evening chat with her after you done vibrator event you will get the option orders: “Make out with your name”
– next Afternoon go to University toilet, then click on Toilet cubicle (School Corridor – Toilets)
– in the Evening chat with her again (Orders: “Blowjob or Anal to your name”)
– next Afternoon go to University toilets then click on the toilet cubicle (University Corridor – Toilets)
– in the morning after your first blowjob/anal to school a – announcement scene will triggered then go to Teacher’s office click on Celia. (Relation +1, Celia’s House on map unlocked – work in progress)
– Go to sex shop buy dildo in the Evening.(optional)
– In the afternoon keep Dildo in Celia locker. (optional)
– In the evening Chat with Celia. (optional, option: “Did you get my Present”)
– In the evening Buy sexy costume from sex shop (optional)
– In the afternoon Keep Sexy Cloth inside Celia Locker. (optional)
– In the evening after you get the option get nude (optional, option: get nude – try new cloth)
Relation 2:
– Night> Map > Celia’s Home
– Next day Night> Map > Celia’s Home > Apartment 53
– Morning – Security Room
– Morning – School Entrance > Celia
– Morning – Security Corridor Celia/Jake (Security room)
– Morning – School Entrance > Celia
– Order BlowJob (Night > MC’s Pc, webcam, “Blow using Gloryhole.”)
– Day > School Toilets > Toilet Cabin > Gloryhole
– Next-day Morning > Teachers Office
– Order PUSSY (Night > MC’s PC, webcam, “Pussy using Gloryhole.”)
– Day > School Toilets > Toilet Cabin > Gloryhole
– Night> Map > Celia’s Home
– Evening > MC’s bedroom > Celia
– Morning > Teachers Office
– Day > School > Toilet Cabin
– Day/Morning > School > Therapist’s room > Judy (“Ask for help with Celia”)
– Night > Celia’s Home
– Day/Morning > School > Therapist’s room > Judy (“Tell Judy what did you figure out about Celia.”)
– Buy electro-stimulation dildo (sex shop)
– Wait for an SMS from Celia
– Weekend event (last scene)
– Wait 2 days for an SMS from Celia
Zuri (and Suri)
Relation 1 (This story is available only, when Bob’s workplace is unlocked – to do that you have to progress with Linda’s story):
– Visit reception in the morning and talk with Zuri (Bob’s workplace – Reception)
– Talk with Bob (Bob’s Office, green dialogue option: “Do you have any work for me?” and “Could you give me…” )
– Talk with Zuri again (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green dialogue option: “ Ask her for magnet card…”)
– in the next morning/afternoon talk with Zuri again, then click “Cancel” other questions are optional (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green dialogue option: “Ask her when…”, Linda event unlocked, Zuri’s Home unlocked)
– In the evening visit her Home, go inside scene will triggered automatically, after that click on Zuri or couch (Map- Zuri’s Home,)
– In the next morning/afternoon talk with Zuri again,(Bob’s workplace – Reception, green dialogue option: “Talk about Zuri proposition” then “Yes”- if you want to continue her story )
First company name:
-in the afternoon (if “Yes”) go to Bob’s office, sit on chair then click raptors (Bob’s workplace – Reception – Office)
– talk with Zuri again (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green option: “Talk about company name.” – you can lie or tell her the truth (If you lie to her more than once you get different last scene with her and different when you tell her the truth ))
– visit her home again in the evening and click on Zuri and Suri(Map- Zuri’s Home)
Second company name:
– in the next afternoon go to Bob’s office, click on the table next to sofa near the statue and take the note, sit on Bob’s chair, click the safe below the table, use the safe note with the safe take the company name, put the safe note back (Bob’s workplace – Reception – office)
– talk with Zuri again (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green option: “Talk about company name.”)
– visit her home again in the evening and click on Zuri and Suri (Map- Zuri’s Home)
Third company name:
– talk with Zuri again in the morning/afternoon (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green option: “Talk about company name.”)
– in the morning talk with Bob (Bob’s workplace – Reception – Office, green option: “Ask about company name.)
– talk with Zuri again (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green option: “Talk about company name.”)
– visit her home again in the evening and click on Zuri and Suri(Map- Zuri’s Home)
Last scene with Zuri:
– wait 3 days in the evening you get a message from Zuri
– visit her home again in the evening (Map- Zuri’s Home, relation +1)
– to end Bob’s story talk with him in the morning(Bob’s workplace – Reception – Office, green option: “Ask Bob how work is going.”)
Liza and Yazmin:
Relation 1 (This story is available only, when Liza’s Home is unlocked – to do that you must progress with Linda’s story):
– In the morning/afternoon go to pool, talk to Yazmin (Map – Liza’s Home – Pool)
– Go inside Liza house, get a scene (green option: “Did you want me to come over to take a look at your swimming pool?”)
– Go to garage click on cleaning stuff (bucket and mop)
– You can start pool cleaning from next day in the morning/afternoon (to start pool cleaning: go to the Liza’s pool open inventory, click on cleaning stuff to have it selected and close out the inventory )
– In the morning/afternoon go inside Liza’s Home, click on her, click on dialogue option (Liza’s living room, no matter which one if you see “Bye” option that’s enough – other questions are optional.)
– In the morning/afternoon talk with Yazmin, click on her, click on the dialogue option (Liza’s living room – Office, no matter which one if you see “Bye” option that’s enough – other questions are optional.)
– Now you have to clean the pool 3 times, once per a day (note, you might have to open up the inventory and select the cleaning stuff every time.)
– When you are finished, go inside Liza’s Home and talk to her (Liza’s living room, green option: “I finished cleaning the pool.”)
– The next day in the morning/afternoon, go back, click on the pool and you should see Liza swimming, talk to her(Liza’s Home – Pool)
– In the next morning/afternoon go inside Liza house, scene will start automatically
– At night go to Liza’s Home, there will be a new option to climb the house beside there door, big circle with a purple guy climbing icon, click on it.
– In the morning/afternoon, go to Liza’s kitchen, you will get a scene automatically (Liza’s Home – Living room – Kitchen)
– After the scene, at night, go back to Liza house and climb it again for another scene.
– In the next morning go to LIza’s pool, this time you will see Liza and Yazmin at the pool, click on them then go into the house (Liza’s Home – Pool)
– When in the house, go to the office and get the house key, it will be on the left side on a shelf beside the plant, above the vase(Liza’s Home – Living room – Office, if you don’t take the key now, you can take it when you finished story with them, optional)
– Go to the kitchen, click on the fridge, open it and click on the beer
– Go back outside, go to the pool and click on them again for another scene
– After the scene at the pool, at night time, climb the house again
– In the morning/afternoon, go back to Liza’s house, this time you will find yazmin at the pool alone, talk to her(Liza’s Home – Pool)
– Talk with Liza (Liza’s Home – Living room – Bathroom)
– At night, go to Liza’s Home and walk inside scene will start automatically (Relation +1)
– You can still go inside at nights since you have the key and do stuff to them while they are sleeping
Relation 1:
– Buy binoculars in the shop and use it on the window at the house in the afternoon
– Morning >Map > Neighbor’s Home
– Next day Morning >Map > Neighbor’s Home (optional)
– Morning >Map > School > Gym > Changing room
– Next day Morning >Map > Neighbor’s Home
– Evening > Neighbor’s Home > Fence
– Night > Neighbor’s Home > Fence (Night Visits, optional)
– Morning > School > Gym > Changing room
– Evening > Neighbor’s Home > Doors
– Morning > School > Gym > Changing room (last scene)
Walkthrough Version 0.6b
– Morning > Caroline’s Bedroom
– Afternoon > Clothes shop
– Night > MC’s Bedroom > Bed > “Meet with Caroline.”
– Afternoon > Clothes shop
– Evening > Caroline’s Bedroom (green dialogue option)
– Night > Caroline’s Bedroom (2x, optional – Doggy, Cowgirl)
– Afternoon > Clothes shop > mingame (3x)
– Steal Necklace
– Afternoon > Clothes shop
– Night > Charles Home > Window (crowbar – Home>Garage)
– Night > Nightclub>Corridor> Security
– Nightclub > Cindy talk
– Morning > Map > Nightclub > Menu: Warehouse
– Steal “Pink box”
– Night > Nightclub > Cindy
– Nightclub > Security
– Next day Night > Nightclub > BossOffice
– Nightclub >Sexroom > Cindy (optional)
– Morning/Afternoon > Charles Home (His last scene, optional)
– Afternoon > Clothes Shop
– Weekend Event (Last scene)
– Night> Map > Celia’s Home
– Next day Night> Map > Celia’s Home > Apartment 53
– Morning/Day > School > Security Room
– Morning > School Entrance > Celia
– Morning > School Entrance > Security Cameras Room
– Morning > School Entrance > Celia
– Order BlowJob (Night > MC’s Pc , webcam, “Blowjob using Gloryhole.”)
– Day > School Toilets > Toilet Cabin > Gloryhole
– Next-day Morning > Teachers Office
– Order BlowJob (Night > MC’s Pc, webcam, “Pussy using Gloryhole.”)
– Day > School Toilets > Toilet Cabin > Gloryhole
– Night> Map > Celia’s Home
– Evening > MC’s bedroom > Celia
– Morning > Teachers Office
– Day > School > Toilet Cabin
– Day/Morning > School > Therapist’s room > Judy (“Ask for help with Celia”)
– Night > Celia’s Home
– Day/Morning > School > Therapist’s room > Judy (“Tell Judy what did you figure out about Celia.”)
– Buy electro-stimulation dildo (sex shop)
– Wait for an SMS from Celia
– Weekend event (last scene)
– Wait 2 days for an SMS from Celia
– Buy binoculars in the shop and use it on the window at the house in the afternoon
– Morning >Map > Neighbor’s Home
– Next day Morning >Map > Neighbor’s Home (optional)
– Morning >Map > School > Gym > Changing room
– Next day Morning >Map > Neighbor’s Home
– Evening > Neighbor’s Home > Fence
– Night > Neighbor’s Home > Fence (Night Visits, optional)
– Morning > School > Gym > Changing room
– Evening > Neighbor’s Home > Doors
– Morning > School > Gym > Changing room (last scene)
315 Comments. Leave new
I like this game
Hello rr!
Thanks for you’re opinion!
Team AdultGamesOn! Have fun!
Cuando otra actualización
As soon as the developer releases a new version, we will update it.
Make sure to check us out daily
¿como lo puedes descargar ? ¿ es de pago?
This game is better than summertime
Glad to hear it, new updates and mods will soon follow, stay tuned, have fun!
Pronto habrá nuevas actualizaciones y mods, mantente atento
When do you release next update?
Wann kommt ein neues Update? Kann nicht mehr mit paar Charaktern interagieren.
bald werden wir neue Updates und Mods folgen, bleiben Sie dran, viel Spaß!
Hola tengo una duda hay versión para Android?
aquí encontrarás la versión para android:
can you add the android version ?
Hello Mac!
I have now added the android version:
Team AdultGamesOn! Have fun!
Is there an iOS version?
We are glad that you like this game. Unfortunately no MAC version but as soon as the developer releases a new version, we will make it available to you.
Team AdultGamesOn
Io ho giacato la versione 0.5 ma era in inglese e vorrei sapere se su questo sito c’è la lingua Italiana
Puoi giocare solo in inglese. Assicurati di controllarci ogni giorno per futuri aggiornamenti che potrebbero contenere un nuovo language pack!
Team Adultgameson
Is this android
Hello Huyu!
I have now added the android version:
Team AdultGamesOn! Have fun!
Hello this is 0.06v
How to download the android version?
Hello JJ,
Enter here https://adultgameson.com/android-milfy-city/ and download the same as on your pc. Do not you know how to install it?
Team AdultGamesOn! Have fun!
An awesome game! Thanks for sharing
Hello Algiaba,
Thank you for opinion!
Team AdultGamesOn! Have fun!
is it downloadable on Mac Os?
Hello Khal!
We will post the pop version as soon as possible. Stay close!
Team AdultGamesOn! Have fun!
I can’t dowload the new android version (0.6b) help me pls
Hello Null,
On our side, everything works well.
Tell us if the problem persists.
When the next update release
We are glad that you like this game. As soon as the developer releases a new version, we will update it.
Team AdultGamesOn
Having trouble opening the game
Hello Mike Crawley!
We will look for a new version without problems. We apologize for the problems that have been created
Team AdultGamesOn! Have fun!
I keep getting an End Of Archive error.
Try to extract the archive in one folder. If it generates errors, try with other archiver.
This is a .rar file? How do I open the file to play?
Extract all files in one folder and after that launch the exe file.
Ciao ho giocato fino adesso alla versione 0.4c ma ho trovato il tuo blog con la versione 0.5c, devo ricominciare dall’inizio tutto il gioco o posso integrare la nuova versione con la tua? Se si può fare potresti gentilmente spiegare come si fa? Grazie mille
Hello Kevin!
Prova a scaricare la nostra versione e copiarla nel gioco sul tuo PC.
Nella situazione che spieghi, ci sono i cosiddetti file compressi speciali per le situazioni che spieghi.
Team AdultGamesOn! Have fun!
For ios maybe?
We try hard to give you an ios version in future!
I have a question for the android version. Is it the full game like the PC version?
Hello Isaiah!
Yes, it’s the full game.
AdultGamesOn Team! Have fun!
Hey, I was just wondering is the android version the same as the PC version of the game? Like is it the full game? Cause it says the android version is only 500MB while PC is 3GB
Hello Isaiah!
The android version is smaller because it is compressed for android.
AdultGamesOn Team! Have fun!
Bonjour esque il ya une version en français
We will forward your request to game developers! Stay tuned!
like the game a lot! I pretty much cant go any further. I cleared Caroline,Sara and Linda (mom). went to Aunt Liz house and did everything i could as well but very short. was unable to do pretty much anything to the girls in school and the neighbor, as well as the therapist. did all i could with the twins Zuri and Suri. i was unable to visit the therapist or celia at thier homes.
la lingua italiana?
Hello Ale99!
The Italian language has not been introduced in the game yet, but you can use the game with confidence in English
AdultGamesOn Team! Have fun!
Is this the 0.5b or 0.5c
Hello Jacoby!
This game is 0.5c version.
AdultGamesOn Team! Have fun!
Whdn will the 5c update be available for Android
Hello Jacoby!
Depends on the game maker. Stay on the site and follow the updates.
AdultGamesOn Team! Have Fun!
Bonjour, je voulais savoir si l’on a déjà le jeu comment fait on une mise à jour sans recommencer toute l’histoire depuis le début et sans télécharger tout le jeu à nouveau mais juste les nouvelles parties ? Est ce possible ? Merci par avance
Hello Findwe!
Copy the update to the folder where you installed the game with the saves you made.
AdultGamesOn Team! Have fun!
quiero el juego en español
algun parche de español del milfy city q se pueda descargar
Hello Tomas!
We will contact the creator of the game to implement in new updates Spanish language.
AdultGamesOn Team! Have fun!
i already finish the game and it say in progress is there any update so that the other female character will be finish?…thanks….more power
Yes, stay tuned we all wait for the next update!
holaa, hay alguna version en español, no se ingles y no entiendo nada, gracias
Hello Damian!
It doesn’t exist yet. We will contact the creator of the game to implement Spanish language.
AdultGamesOn Team! Have fun!
What is the difference between 0.5b and 0.5c and when will android get 0.5c update??
Some bug fixes and game improvements. Thanks for your interest Nael!
Any sign 0.5c will be android compatible soon many thanks
We still wait from developer the new android update! As soon will be done we’ll publish it! Stay tuned!
is there another link other than fileboom? I’ve tried creating accounts but it won’t download unless I’m premium which ain’t going to happen £££$$$
We’re really sorry for the inconvenience. Some of games are too large as size. We will try in short future to contract another file hosting provider to offer a great experience for our users. Thanks for comment!
how do I play it on my laptop
Please check out our tutorials.
Thank you for comment.
can i just ask how often does this game get upgrades cause……i just found it and finished all in 2 days. i NEED more and definitely will support the creator on patreon just getting a job first.
Milfy City V0.6 will be released soon.
when bring bad luck the version of the city milfy 0.6
The game is in progress – 50% done
Waiting to finish downloading. Tryied another link, also on FileBoom, made of 2 archives, no go, second archive was corrupt. Can hardly wait to check how this (fingers crossed) installs.
The game works very well! Just download and play it. It’s a good game with high quality graphics and a lot of hot milfs. Have fun!
i am new to this game i this game from beginning?
How do you update the android installations and keep the saves from previous versions.
Updated version date plz
The game is paused for a while but in the next months will be updated!
Updated version date for Android
We will try!
How can I find mom and son game?
This is one of them!
hello dear , when will new version (0.6) come ?
Hello Monster,
We hope that next month will be released. The game developer taken a break for few months. We all wait for an update.
Mac Version?
Hello, part 2 is error
Try the game now, it was updated!
premium member still getting only 44 kb/sec
Try Patreon you will get three more download servers with very high speed like Google Drive, Mega, or Dropbox.
Can I play for free and no download
We are publishing just downloadable games because they can offer high-quality graphics and great stories.
No more update ??
We are waiting for version 0.6. We hope that milfy city 0.6 will be available this month!
não tem alguma tradução para português?
se tiver pode me passar o link
O jogo é muito bom, mas deveria ter o gemido das mulheres
The game is very good, but should have the women moan and anal sex
Est-il possible d’obtenir une version française de ce jeux ?
Ou une explication de comment faire pour le convertir en français ?
Merci d’avance
Superbe jeu !!!!!
En langue française ? Possible ? S’il vous plaît ?
Nous sommes ravis que vous aimiez ce jeu. Dès que le développeur publiera une nouvelle version, nous la mettrons à jour.
Prendre plaisir!
Team AdultGamesOn
update the milfy city game, there are many who are not ready for their mission.
best adult game ever
Hola Mariano. Mi primer juego fue Milfy City y estoy esperando que salga la ultima version. Mientras eso sucede que otro juego me podes recomendar para que continue con esta experiencia? Saludos
I need .5c android version, please help me with it
The version isn’t released! We hope that this month will be released the last version of this amazing porn game!
I didn’t get any updates until now?
The author is back and he almost finished the new version of this porn game.
Whenever I try to download milfycity 0.5c , it downloads 0.5b version. Need latest version
The problem was solved, enjoy the version 0.6e
When does it release ?
When is the new update coming please update the new version soon, Thank You.
We’re here waiting for best porn games!
When does it release ,guys ???
We hope this month!
J’ime beaucoup ce jeux
Hello, for Huawei how can you play, why when you install it I get that it is for an earlier version of Android and does not let me play.Help pliss
The game was updated, please check now.
can i get google drive and MEGA download link. plz
How can I active any cheat for this game?
Where is the .5c android version
This porn game was updated, please check out the following link.
Download Milfy City for Android
i love this game …. do i have to download the whole game again when a new update was released?
Yes, but you can use old saves. Thank you.
Link for android v0.6?
Here it is, plays it and give us your opinion.
How can i change Language ?
update 0.6c please, caroline repeat bug
The game was updated
When will update 0.7 ?
We hope in December.
Thank you for the comment!
Missed animated scenes in this version. Many scenes that could have animation. It would be better.
When will we get version 6c for pc? Caroline night scene keeps repeating and i heard there was a new version out that fixed it unless there is another way to fix it?
The porn game was updated!
How can I keep my saved process, with the new patch?What i have to do?
so nothing new this update except error fixes??
Yes, just some error fixes
I get 502: bad gateway error when I try to download PC version. Tried reloading several times and waited around ten minutes between each try.
Nevermind, worked now
Yes, we’ve updated the game.
We had some technical issues with the website in the past month. We can ensure all of you that everything is working good now.
Thank you for comment.
Adultgameson Team
this update have news animations ?
How long will you bring the next update?
At the end of the month!
Is there any difference between 5c and 6c
hi i have installed 0.5c completed and i want to update it with the saved data in 0.6c in PC how to do that?
Please check the section “How to install” and you will see how you can use the previous saves.
Thank you for the comment!
Guys please Give me .6c android version
Is here
This game haves great potential!
I’m really waiting for the new content and new story lines
Keep the good work!
Hi there ! When comes the new game update for Mac OS ?
says file no longer available for fileboom
Problem was solved! Thanks
The FileBoom link is no longer working, “This file is no longer available”
Problem was solved! Thanks
Hello guys
In the walkthrough, a “money cheat” is cited. How and where can I get it?
Necesito descargar la última versión de milfy city para android y no puedo, que tengo q hacer
do you know when Milfy city 7.0 releasing
When can we expect the newest Mac OS version of this game ?
We are glad that you like this game. As soon as the developer releases a new version, we will update it. Keep checking us up
Team AdultGamesOn
Un fan del juego por favor de mandar la última versión del Miley city grasias
hello guys
when will you guys release the new version of this game?
(just asking thanks
help and cheat mode for PC version?
When will the next version of Milfy city v0.6e will arrive plz reply as soon as possible
We are glad that you like this game. As soon as the developer releases a new version, we will update it.
Team AdultGamesOn
El juego esta en español? Porfa diganme pliss
The game is in English.
is this the latest version. If yes wht is new in this??
Yes. It is.
when is the MAC version coming out?
We are glad that you like this game. As soon as the developer releases a new version, we will make it available to you.
Team AdultGamesOn
How do you install this on linux? I try running the .sh file and the .py file but I get permission denied even having root privileges.
Nevermind, I wasn’t paying attention to what was being denied permission, I just had to make a file in the linux x86_x64 folder executable. working now!
Update pls
This is the last version!
when will be next update?
i cant wait for it will bit be update by it self??
What is size of Android version please tell ?
The file size is 784 MB.
Team AdultGamesOn
Why is it taking forever to update to 0.7 ?
is it downloadable on Mac Os?
Unfortunately not for the moment.
As soon as the developer releases a new version, we will update it.
Team AdultGamesOn
Hey, would you mind to put the files in Parts, while downloading it fails many times and says server problem after halfway download. Me and my friends are getting this problems many times in other big games also. Please solve this issue.
Do you get the same error with the Mega/GDrive/Dropbox links aswell ?
Team AdultGamesOn
good game
I cant download 0.7 and 0.6e give me the asap
Super games
Ist auch eine Version (Android) mit Deutschen Text geplant ?
firstly i m not nativve speakers so i dont have nice english. i fnished the game. its so amazing job. but you will need to upddate for complate all story lines. i will realy waiting for end game story.
How to change the language of the game to english
bonjour, quand sera prévu une nouvelle version svp?
Nous sommes ravis que vous aimiez ce jeu. Dès que le développeur publiera une nouvelle version, nous la mettrons à jour.
Prendre plaisir!
Team AdultGamesOn
Hello! A walkthrough would come in handy because I can’t play anymore. All my characters are inactive, nothing happens in any of the locations. Thanks.
You now find the download links for the
Team AdultGamesOn
the mini games has a bug that needs to be fixed the matching one to be specific and i think the values of money needs to be worked on its quite annoying how long it takes to build up money.
How i go through special menu in v.6e
La versione 7 quando verra inserita ?
Nos alegra que te guste este juego. Tan pronto como el desarrollador lance una nueva versión, la actualizaremos.
Team AdultGamesOn
If an update is coming, how will we know and how can we download it?
The game will be displayed on the homepage. Also you can check the game’s version and the changelog published in the game’s web page.
Team AdultGamesOn
Da paa jogar no iPhone?
Disponível apenas para Android.
Is this the full game or a demo?
Wanna play it all the way through
This is the full game – 4.06 GB.
Team AdultGamesOn
Does the PC version have more content compared to the android version? I have reached the end of the Android version. With two special options at the end but cannot proceed it says work in progress.
I can’t get the necklace back for Caroline. I tried going there every time of day on all 5 days of week and used everything I could think of on door and window. Still nothing.
So when they release a new update, do we have to download it and play the whole game from the beginning?
AdultGamesOn we need version 0.7v please
I still can’t get the necklace for Caroline.
This is a piece of mastery
We are glad that you like this game. As soon as the developer releases a new version, we will update it.
Make sure to check us out daily
Team AdultGamesOn
please add something new for cindy
Cheat menu to increase amount of money???
The easiest way would be to use a Save Editor.
Here you can find the Save Editor
Upload the save to the site, Find the line "inventory > Money(1234)", Change the value, Download save.
Hope that helps you. If there is anything else you need assistance with, please reply.
Team AdultGamesOn
Me gusto el juego , cuando salen nuevas actualisiciones
This was the error I was encountering after 8 minutes of lunching the app without loading anything.
I’m sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
Exception: Possible infinite loop.
— Full Traceback ————————————————————
Full traceback:
File “scripts/home/caroline_room/night/scenes/caroline_room_night_scene1.rpyc”, line 14, in script
File “/data/user/0/com.spear1403.milfy.city/files/renpy/execution.py”, line 58, in check_infinite_loop
raise Exception(“Possible infinite loop.”)
Exception: Possible infinite loop.
Thank you for your report. We will send it to the developer and as soon as an update is released, we will make it available to you.
Make sure to check us out daily!
Team AdultGamesOn
When to add the latest version..
Why does it take time for it to load
Can you put it on the app store
Salve. Vi ho scoperti oggi. Volevo sapere se i giochi sono tutti in inglese o ci sono giochi anche in italiano ?
Sarei interessato al gioco DMD in italiano.
Come richiesto, è possibile trovare la traduzione italiana sulla pagina Web del gioco. Inoltre troverai anche i dettagli su come installarlo.
Team AdultGamesOn
Is it safe to download?
Of course. Each file is verified by our team.
Have fun!
AdultGamesOn Team
love the game btw keep it up

Wann kommt wieder ein neues Update?
Wir freuen uns zu hören, dass Ihnen das Spiel gefällt, bleiben Sie dran für neue Updates und Mods bald kommen, viel Spaß!
Keenly awaiting the next update!
We are glad to hear that you like the game, stay tuned for new updates and mods coming soon, have fun!
cuando sale nueva vercion
Nos alegra saber que te gusta el juego, permanece atento a las nuevas actualizaciones y mods que llegarán pronto, ¡diviértete!
when will you guys update the game
We are glad to hear that you like the game, stay tuned for new updates and mods coming soon, have fun!
Buen juego, 10/10 lo recomiendo
Nos alegra saber que te gusta el juego, permanece atento a las nuevas actualizaciones y mods que llegarán pronto, ¡diviértete!
wanneer verwachten jullie een update, heb hem deze week gedownload en ben verslaafd, echt top game
We zijn blij te horen dat je het spel leuk vindt, blijf op de hoogte van nieuwe updates en mods binnenkort, veel plezier!
cuando sacaran el juego completo me e obsesionado con el juego
We are glad to hear that you like the game, stay tuned for new updates and mods coming soon, have fun!
best game i ever played, amazing i wish it has more content
We are glad you like the game, new updates and mods will follow soon, stay tuned.
will you keep updating that game ? <3 please
We are glad you like the game, new updates and mods will follow soon, stay tuned.
Hay alguna noticia sobre próximas actualizaciones?
Se han hecho algunas actualizaciones y habrá más, permanezca atento
Czy istnieje Polska wersja językowa ?
Na razie gra jest dostępna tylko w języku angielskim, włoskim i niemieckim, bądźcie na bieżąco z nowymi aktualizacjami.
When will the new update finally come? I can not wait anymore. I love this game so much
Glad to hear you like the game, stay tuned for more updates on the game. Have fun.
Czy jest jakiś dodatek z polskim językiem lub Polski poradnik do gry?
mometan nie ma jeszcze modów dla języka polskiego, nowe aktualizacje i mody pojawią się wkrótce, stay tuned
bonjour, j’ais télécharger la version 0.60 comment la mettre a jour a la version 0.71b ?
Bonjour, vous devez télécharger à nouveau le jeu pour jouer la dernière version.
Ma come mai c’è un aggiornamento il 22 agosto 2021? stesso update di luglio???
Non lo stesso aggiornamento. Restate sintonizzati per nuovi aggiornamenti
Qualcuno sa se c’è qualche novità con questo aggiornamento in questo download del 22 agsto?
Un aggiornamento del gioco è in arrivo, rimanete sintonizzati.
Por ahora esta es la última versión del juego 0.71b
Will this mod work for android milfy city?
hello, at the moment this mode works only for pc and mac
still don’t know how to change the character’s name
Hi, I’ve attached a new file to the “Character Name Change” section, it will help you change your character name. have fun.
What’s new between the old 0.71b version and this version ?
These are the news: – Progress with Sara storyline
– ~400 new renders!
– ~40 new animations!
– 4 New scenes in the gallery
– New locations!
– New 5 secret cards!
Any iPad version yet?
Currently only for android, when the new update comes out it will be on the website, have a nice day!
Como puedo descargar la versión 0.71b en Android
Desde aquí: https://adultgameson.com/android-milfy-city/
ciao ma ce la lingua italiana
Attualmente è disponibile solo l’inglese, nuovi aggiornamenti e mods sono in arrivo, rimanete sintonizzati
Mikor lesz MAGYAR nyelv?
hamarosan új modok és frissítések érkeznek a játékhoz, maradjatok velünk.
Hola el mod no se como instalarlo. Lo descomprimo y lo pongo en la ruta J:\Milfy_City-06e-pc(blog)\Milfy_City-0.6e-pc\Milfy_City-0.6e-pc\game
Deja la carpeta ahí pero dentro del juego no se activa nada a la vista.
Descomprime el mod y pon la carpeta llamada “game” del mod en tu carpeta “Milfy_City-0.71b-pc”.
ciao, ma non è un aggiornamento quello del 27 dicembre….
Seguiranno nuovi aggiornamenti e patch, rimanete sintonizzati
Come si mette la traduzione in italiano?
Attualmente non ci sono mods disponibili per l’italiano, seguiranno nuovi aggiornamenti e mods.
Tiene traducion para el espanol??
Actualmente no hay ningún mod disponible para el español, nuevas actualizaciones y mods seguirán.
para cuando la traduccion en español
pronto seguiremos con nuevas actualizaciones y mods, estate atento, diviértete
Est ce que la traduction Française existe ?
Actuellement, le jeu n’est disponible qu’en anglais, restez à l’écoute pour les nouvelles mises à jour et les mods, amusez-vous bien.
I really want this game to update a little bit quickly.
cuz there is some girls you only talk to them once and boom, work in progress.
pls try to update this game asap
New updates and mods are coming soon, stay tuned.
Cuando sacan la versión para celular?
Aquí puedes descargar la versión para Android:
mas o menos cada cuanto suelen salir las actualizaciones?
Pronto habrá nuevas actualizaciones y mods, ¡estén atentos, diviértanse!
hello when is comming out the new version stays on 90 % complete long time alll rdy
We are glad to hear that you like the game, stay tuned for new updates and mods coming soon, have fun!
tienen un parche en español?????
El juego sólo está disponible en inglés, estate atento a más actualizaciones y mods. ¡Diviértete!
Da ieri quando lancio il gioco mi dice che non è presente il file .exe nel pc fino a ieri funziona tutto ho provato a riscaricare il gioco ma niente non funziona più qualcuno mi può aiutare
Non abbiamo informazioni sufficienti su questo errore. Le consigliamo di eliminare il gioco e di provare a installarlo di nuovo. Quale errore viene visualizzato?
Il team di AdultGamesOn
How do i run the game on pc? i dont have an Android, and the files in APK.
The game is available for both Android and PC (Windows). All you need to do is download the correct PC version.
Click on “Download Now” for the PC version.
I hope I have helped you.
AdultGamesOn Team
Buongiorno, è uscita l’ultima versione completa??
Purtroppo per ora gli sviluppatori di “Milfy City” non hanno pubblicato alcun aggiornamento, ma non preoccuparti, non appena avremo nuove informazioni/aggiornamenti li pubblicheremo sul nostro sito.
Grazie per il vostro intelletto e interesse.
Buona giornata!
Squadra di AdultGamesOn
vcs vão atualizar quando sair a nova versão? se puder tem como vc avisarem?
Infelizmente, por enquanto, os criadores de “Milfy City” não publicaram quaisquer actualizações, mas não se preocupe, assim que tivermos novas informações/actualizações publicá-las-emos no nosso sítio Web.
Obrigado pela vossa atenção e interesse.
Tenha um bom dia!
Equipa AdultGamesOn
ficarei no aguardo
Linguagem pt_br ??
Unfortunately this game does not have a Brazilian translation, but if we have new updates and information we will post it immediately on our website.
Thanks for your understanding!
AdultGamesOn Team